Review: Evernew E2000 RT-X

Evernew takes on off-road ‘big boys’ with new full-size luxury hardcore van - Featured Article on Caravan Camping Sales

Posted on: 
July 16, 2024
Posted by: 
Dani Bib
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Evernew takes on off-road ‘big boys’ with new full-size luxury hardcore van

Wherever you travel in Australia, you’ll find Evernew caravans – not really surprising for a brand whose origins date back to 1963 with many repeat owners.

But still impressive for a relatively small manufacturer that has primarily existed in Victoria over the past 56 years; has only sold factory-direct since the early 1980s; and has not attended a caravan show since the late 1990s.

Read the full review on the Caravan Camping Sales Website

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